===================== Obiettivo ==================== "So Far, So Close": Communicating Science through a Replica of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Payload Operation Control Room" is an outreach exposition centered around a replica of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Payload Operation Control Room (AMS POCC) as a means to help people comprehend the continuous monitoring and control of space mission payloads by various control rooms on Earth. The exposition's added value stems from the AMS collaboration's monitoring software development, enabling individuals to access AMS telemetry data. This innovation emerged during the pandemic, granting AMS collaborators the ability to participate remotely in the day-to-day operations of the experiment due to restrictions on physical access to the CERN site, where the AMS POCC is located. The replica of the POCC, along with accompanying posters and videos, serves as an effective starting point for communicating the significance of fundamental research in the areas of! space ra diation and cosmic rays ===================== descrizione ==================== This was the initial implementation of the exposition, which took place on May 2023, in Bologna, during an event organized in collaboration with the Moon Village Association Italian branch and the Marco Peroni studio. The outreach event encompasses the above-mentioned exposition titled "So Far, so close: Cosmic Ray Measurements in Space with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (ams02.space) and Ground Control Operations of Space Missions," as well as the exposition "Radiation and Safety on the Moon: Active Shielding for Radiation Protection." These exhibitions shed light on how fundamental research addresses the challenge of shielding against cosmic rays in lunar exploration. The AMS Roma Sapienza research group and the Marco Peroni studio jointly undertake the collaboration activities presented at the event. The event took place within the "Living in Space" Permanent Exhibition located at the premises of the Marco Peroni Engineering Studio. The event successfully bridges the gap between scientific knowledge and public understanding through this approach. It allows individuals from diverse backgrounds to learn about and appreciate the advancements made in space exploration and radiation protection. By making science relatable, accessible, and visually stimulating, the outreach event fosters curiosity, encourages active participation, and promotes scientific literacy among non-scientific audiences. Note: on this exhibit was submitted an abstract to the EPS-HEP 2023 conference(Track 14) accepted for oral presentation "So Far, So Close": Communicating Science through a Replica of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Payload Operation Control Room 20m, Room O 221 (Universitaet Hamburg) Parallel session talk Outreach, Education and EDI T14 Outreach, Education and EDI Speaker Alessandro Bartoloni (INFN Roma & CERN) ==================================================== A cura di A. Bartoloni

DATA: 27-05-2023

Sito Collegato : https://moonvillageassociation.org/presentation-of-moon-village-association-italy-activities/

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Piazza dei Caprettari, 70 - 00186 Roma
tel. +39 066840031 - fax +39 0668307924 - email: presidenza@presid.infn.it