ALESSANDRO SFONDRINI Humboldt Univ. zu Berlin: Gravity theories on 3-dimensional anti-de Sitter space (AdS3) played an important role in the understanding of black hole physics, and provided an early example of holography. Their dual 2-dimensional conformal field theories (CFT2) are quite special, since they enjoy (suitable super-symmetric extensions of) Virasoro symmetry. Recently, the interest in this duality was revived when Babichenko, Stefanski and Zarembo showed that the maximally super-symmetric AdS3 backgrounds yield classically integrable string non-linear sigma models. It is natural to ask whether the Smatrix integrability approach, which works beautifully for the planar limit of AdS5/CFT4, can be applied here as well. In my talk I will provide substantial evidence that, despite several new features and some conceptual complications, this is indeed the case. To do this, I will discuss in detail the simplest case of superstrings on AdS3xS3xT4, argue how the same approach can be extended to more general cases, and describe the exciting future directions for this integrability program.

DATA: 14-05-2014

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