SEZIONE DI MILANO Jets, i.e. collimated sprays of particles, are ubiquitous in particle phenomenology. I discuss QCD calculations which aim to describe the structure of jets. In particular, I present theoretical calculations for the jet-mass distribution for jets produced at hadron colliders. In the low jet-mass region, large logarithms of the ratio of jet mass over the jet transverse momentum appear and they render fixed-order QCD calculations unreliable. I discuss the summation of these contributions to all-orders in perturbation theory, which paves the way for accurate phenomenology. Several techniques, which generically go under the name of taggers, have been developed in the past few years in order to better identify jets originating from the decay of boosted massive objects. I discuss how jet-mass distributions are modified when tagging algorithms are applied to the jets. Simone Marzani (Dhuram U.)
DATA: 27-03-2014
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