SESZIONE DI TORINO After a brief overview on operational models commonly used for predicting
significant wave heights and wave periods on the ocean, I will discuss
some mechanisms of formation of extreme waves. Using the weak turbulence
approach, I will show how strong deviations from Gaussian statistics of
the surface elevation (extreme waves) can be naturally included in the
description of water waves. Closed equations for third and fourth order
moments of the surface elevation as a function of the spectral wave
action density are derived. These results represent a first step towards
the possibility of forecasting freak waves. Analytical results will be
also compared with experimental data recently obtained in Marintek
(Norway), one of the largest wave basins in the world. The possibility of
deviations from Gaussian statistics in crossing sea states (wind sea and
swell) will also be discussed in terms of coupled Nonlinear Schroedinger
DATA: 15-02-2008
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