LABORATORI NAZIONALI DEL SUD George. A. Souliotis , Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry,
Production of Neutron-Rich Isotopes toward the Astrophysical r-process Path
Neutron-rich nuclides have traditionally been produced in spallation reactions, fission and “cold'' projectile fragmentation. Apart from these main production approaches, the search for new synthetic routes is currently of importance to extend our studies toward the neutron-drip line. To this goal, the production cross sections of projectile-like fragments from the reactions of 86Kr (15 MeV/nucleon) on 64Ni, 58Ni and 124Sn, 112Sn targets were studied in using the MARS recoil separator at the Cyclotron Institute of Texas A&M University [1]. The same reactions were studied earlier at beam energy of 25 MeV/nucleon [2].
In the present work, we present the results of systematic calculations of the nuclear reaction mechanisms for the above collisions employing a hybrid approach. The calculations for the dynamical stage of the projectile-target interaction were carried out using either the microscopic constrained molecular dynamics model (CoMD) [4], or the phenomenological deep-inelastic transfer model (DIT) [3]. Subsequently, for the de-excitation of the projectile-like fragments, the statistical multifragmentation model (SMM) and the binary-decay code GEMINI were employed. A good agreement with the experimental results was observed with the CoMD code, as well as, with a properly modified version of the DIT code [5].
We point out that our current understanding of the reaction mechanisms at beam energies below the Fermi energy suggests that such nuclear reactions, involving peripheral nucleon exchange, when employed with high-intensity neutron-rich rare isotope beams will offer a novel route to access extremely neutron-rich rare isotopes toward the astrophysical r-process path, and the neutron drip-line. Toward this end we will be discussing plans of continuation of the present work at Texas A&M University (with the MARS separator) at LNS/Catania (using beams from the S800 Cyclotron and the MAGNEX spectrometer) and, in the future, at RISP/Korea (employing beams from the RAON accelerator complex and the KOBRA separator).
DATA: 17-06-2016
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica
Nucleare - Piazza dei Caprettari, 70 -
00186 Roma
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